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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

By the way, the reason why my last comment showed up as being posted at 02.07am is that we're eight hours ahead of Kelowna and five hours ahead of the East Coast, not that I sit at my computer in the middle of the night!

Greetings everyone

What a great idea to have a blog, and I hope everyone will contribute so we can all keep in touch. So here's greetings from England, where (surprise, surprise) it's cold and damp and the pound has slumped against the dollar and the euro - but we're smiling through!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The KVI interline blog is officially up and running!

Subscribe and/or check back often to catch up on the latest news from your team of professional agents at KVI.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a variety of information, including:
- reviews and reports from agents on their latest vacation adventures
- updates on what is going on in the world of KVI Travel
- a forum for discussion and feedback as to how we can best serve the interline community as well as the traveling community in general

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact your personal KVI agent. If you don't already have a KVI agent, contact me and I'll make sure you are well looked after :)


Kyle Oram
General Manager
KVI Travel / KVI Interline Cruises & Tours
1-888-768-6777 ext. 300